What do you know more about the cooking oil?

Edible oil boiling point

Soybean oil 257 ° C

Corn oil 246 ° C

Peanut oil 226 ° C

Sesame oil 215 ° C

Common oil misunderstanding

“Oil” is a food that people must eat every day, so whether its usage is scientifically important for human health, if it is used improperly, it may even cause cancer.

Recently, Professor Hong Zhaoguang, a famous cardiovascular expert in China, put forward many practical suggestions for people’s misunderstandings about edible oil in their diet.


High temperature cooking

Many people like to use high-temperature stir-fry when cooking, and it is unscientific to get used to cooking when the oil in the pot is smoked. High-temperature oil not only destroys the nutrients of food but also produces some peroxides and carcinogens. It is recommended to heat the pan first, then pour the oil. At this time, you can cook the vegetables without waiting for the oil to smoke.


2. Do not eat vegetable oil, or do not eat animal oil

If there is no oil, it will cause a lack of vitamins in the body, as well as the lack of essential fatty acids, affecting the health of the human body. It is not acceptable to emphasize that only eating vegetable oil and not eating animal oil. Animal oil (saturated fatty acids) is beneficial to the human body at a certain dose.


Only eat a single variety of oil for a long time

It is still difficult for the average family to stir up what kind of oil to use, but we recommend that it is best to use several oils alternately or use one oil for a while, and another oil for a while because there is very little oil. It can solve all the problems that grease needs.


People with abnormal blood lipids or people with abnormal body weight have no different oils.

For people with abnormal blood lipids or special populations with abnormal weight, we emphasize the choice of high monounsaturated fatty acids in vegetable oils. There must also be some control over the amount of oil used. The total amount of oil used by people with normal blood lipids and normal body weight should be controlled to no more than 25 grams per day. Polyunsaturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids are basically half of each. Older people, people with dyslipidemia, obese people, people with obesity-related diseases, or people with a history of obesity, use less oil per person per day, even down to 20 grams.


Maternal and infant population

Pregnant women must have sufficient energy from the 4th month of pregnancy. Maintain normal weight gain during the second trimester. Increase the intake of fish, meat, eggs, milk, and seafood. Pregnant women are best to eat tea oil and other vitamins E-rich edible oil.

Tea oil is called “moon oil” in the south, and it is called “moon child treasure” by Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and overseas Chinese. Because high levels of monounsaturated fatty acids and rich linolenic acid in tea oil help balance metabolism, it plays an important role in enhancing children’s intelligence and memory, promoting brain development, improving IQ, and promoting the nervous system, bone and brain development. Therefore, nutrition experts suggest that pregnant women should eat tea oil, olive oil and other edible oils rich in vitamin E.

Tea oil is excellent nutrition for pregnant women and the best growth agent for infants and young children. It is an excellent tonic for production and lactation. Monounsaturated fatty acids in tea oil can prevent hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis (which may begin in childhood), and it also plays a positive role in bone mineralization and bone development in young children. It is an excellent nutritional supplement and fetal growth agent for pregnant women and a good tonic for postpartum and lactation.

The richness of vitamin E in tea oil is necessary for the growth of the fetus and for the newborn baby to respond to the oxidative response after entering the aerobic environment. Arachidonic acid (AA) and DHA in tea oil have a very important role in promoting the growth and development of infant’s bones, brain growth, and development, mental development, retinal development, and behavior. DHA also reduces the risk of asthma in children. In tea oil, quinones, which activates brain neurotransmitters, speed up the transmission and processing of information and are the key to determining brain responsiveness.

If the supply of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the n-3 system is insufficient during the fetal period, the division and proliferation of fetal brain cells will be impaired, and the severe lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids will cause brain cell development retardation and mental retardation. The easy absorption and digestion of tea oil and “non-polyester” are the best supplements for pregnant women after childbirth. Pregnant women can help eliminate the accumulation of abdominal fat during pregnancy after eating, which can help to quickly recover. Linoleic acid in tea oil: the ratio of linolenic acid = 6:1 is similar to breast milk.

Studies have confirmed that the fatty acid composition of tea oil and up to 98% digestibility are best suited as oils for infants. There is evidence that during pregnancy, if the mother eats tea oil, the baby will be better after birth, regardless of height, weight, behavior or psychological reaction. Pregnant women who consume tea oil during pregnancy can not only increase breast milk but also benefit the normal development of the fetus. In the main tea-producing provinces in the south, when you are pregnant, you must drink the squid soup cooked with tea oil. Folklore can help maternal postpartum recovery.

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