1. Acid reaction process for peanut oil refinery equipments
Oil temperature can be adjusted by screw plate heat exchanger.When the temperature is heated to about 80°c, mixing about 85% food grade phosphoric acid into acid reaction tank for reacting, in the tank, most non-hydrated phospholipid transfer into hydrated phospholipid.
2. Neutralization process for peanut oil refinery equipments
In the neutral section, degummed oil with appropriate temperature and the appropriate concentration of alkali liquor, into the neutralization centrifugal mixer mixing, in order to achieve the best effect of mixed, the mixture is then sent to neutralization tank for enough time, in this process, excessive alkali neutralization of free fatty acids and some phosphate from soapstock, after pumping oil soap mixture into heater oil heating to 85~90°c in centrifuge separation oil-soap or oil-glue.
3. Washing process for peanut oil refinery equipments
Neutral oil from separator, still contains about 500ppm soap, in order to reduce the residual content of soap, oil is joined by about 10% of hot water, washed in the washing mixer, hot water will absord oil soap and other impurities,then in the water separator are separated.
4. Vacuum drying section for peanut oil refinery equipments
The neutralization and washing oil separated from the washing separator still contains some residual water adverse to the oil stability, in order to get rid of these water, the oil is sent to the vacuum dryer to dry when the temperature is still at about 110~120°c, the dried oil is sent to the bleaching section directly
by the oil tank.
5. Bleaching process for peanut oil refinery equipments
The main purpose of this procedure is to remove teh pigments and residual soup in the neutralization oil of the crude oil. The oil is sent to vacuum bleaching tower after heated to 105°c. When the oil is sent to the tower,it is mixed by the ratio mixer with carclazyte whose dosing was control by a program controller and the dosing unit is installed on the ratio mixer directly.
The carclazyte conveyor system power is the wind and the bleaching earth was conveyed to the carclazyte temporaty storage tank in the upper part of the bleaching tower to supply the ratio mixer.
6. Filteration for peanut oil refinery equipments
Miscella mixed by oil and clay from decolorization tower is pumped into bleaching tower, then enters fine filter, in which clay and fixed impurities is blocked. And the filtering substance( bleached oil) us transferred into storage tank of bleached oil. There are two bleaching filters in this system, one of the bleaching filter is always in the state of filtering, a nother is in the state of emptying and cleaning state.
7. Deodorization process for peanut oil refinery equipments
Deodorization process aims to remove the FFA, low molecular compounds and others existing in bleached oil. The flow of bleached oil entering deodorization process is controlled by a flow controller, and the oil is heated to the deodorization temperature of 250~260°c through a series of heat exchanger.